Paul Saddington is an Interface NRM Trusted Consultatnt

Paul Saddington is a member of the International Institute of Risk & Safety Management

About Paul Saddington

Paul has spent over 40 years in UK industry as a safety, environmental and quality practitioner. 20 years with the British Railways Board and since then with Balcony Business Services Limited as owner, consultant and lead auditor, working in a wide variety of sectors and around the world. A CV is available on request and recent audit experience is available below.

Paul works as a consultant, lead auditor and auditor with ISO certification companies in support of the following standards, technical specifications and requirements:

  • ISO9001 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
  • RC14001 Responsible Care Management Systems (American Chemistry Council)
  • Vehicle Recyclers Association membership certification
  • End to End Total Loss Vehicle Management e2e certification
Paul also works directly with individual companies seeking to gain or maintain their certification.

Audit Experience

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